System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.

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spamprotectiontitle (Talk)Spam protection filter
special-categories-sort-abc (Talk)sort alphabetically
special-categories-sort-count (Talk)sort by count
speciallogtitlelabel (Talk)Title:
specialloguserlabel (Talk)User:
specialpage (Talk)Special page
specialpage-empty (Talk)There are no results for this report.
specialpages (Talk)Special pages
specialpages-group-changes (Talk)Recent changes and logs
specialpages-group-highuse (Talk)High use pages
specialpages-group-login (Talk)Login / sign up
specialpages-group-maintenance (Talk)Maintenance reports
specialpages-group-media (Talk)Media reports and uploads
specialpages-group-other (Talk)Other special pages
specialpages-group-pages (Talk)Lists of pages
specialpages-group-pagetools (Talk)Page tools
specialpages-group-redirects (Talk)Redirecting special pages
specialpages-group-spam (Talk)Spam tools
specialpages-group-users (Talk)Users and rights
specialpages-group-wiki (Talk)Wiki data and tools
specialpages-note (Talk)---- * Normal special pages. * <strong class="mw-specialpagerestricted">Restricted special pages.</strong>
specialpages-summary (Talk) 
sqlhidden (Talk)(SQL query hidden)
standard.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Standard skin */
standard.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the Standard skin */
statistics (Talk)Statistics
statistics-articles (Talk)Content pages
statistics-edits (Talk)Page edits since {{SITENAME}} was set up
statistics-edits-average (Talk)Average edits per page
statistics-files (Talk)Uploaded files
statistics-header-edits (Talk)Edit statistics
statistics-header-hooks (Talk)Other statistics
statistics-header-pages (Talk)Page statistics
statistics-header-users (Talk)User statistics
statistics-header-views (Talk)View statistics
statistics-jobqueue (Talk)[ Job queue] length
statistics-mostpopular (Talk)Most viewed pages
statistics-pages (Talk)Pages
statistics-pages-desc (Talk)All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.
statistics-summary (Talk) 
statistics-users (Talk)Registered [[Special:ListUsers|users]]
statistics-users-active (Talk)Active users
statistics-users-active-desc (Talk)Users who have performed an action in the last {{PLURAL:$1|day|$1 days}}
statistics-views-peredit (Talk)Views per edit
statistics-views-total (Talk)Views total
storedversion (Talk)Stored revision
stub-threshold (Talk)Threshold for <a href="#" class="stub">stub link</a> formatting (bytes):
subcategories (Talk)Subcategories
subject (Talk)Subject/headline:
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